
Formwork Solution

Solutions Comparison

Installation (Safety, Productivity)
Conventional Solution Table Form & Multi-Support Solutions
Safety not ensured

As level increases, numerous work at heights tasks become more hazardous.
Safety secured

Utilizing swift external work minimizes the need for internal labor.
Safety not ensured

All materials are interconnected, creating risk of the entire structure toppling.
Safety secured

With segmented installation any collapse is contained to a limited section.
Reduced Productivity

The use of many secondary materials lowers efficiency and increases the construction time greatly.
Improved Productivity

Enhanced reusability increases work efficiency and shortens the overall construction schedule.
Changing circulation during installation
Conventional Solution Table Form & Multi-Support Solutions
Difficult to change Circulation
If the circulation path is predetermined or
fixed during the installation phase, it becomes
difficult to alter it later.
Easy to change Circulation
After installation, safety belts or lifelines can be used on-site to customize the circulation, and it can be adjusted later to maintain smooth installations.
Disassembly & Reusability
Conventional Solution Table Form & Multi-Support Solutions
Difficult to organize
Because many secondary materials are used,
disassembly takes a long time, and it is difficult to
immediately collect and organized the materials.
Easy to organize
Using heavy equipment, such as forklifts, or having workers handle the dismantling directly reduces the need for additional secondary materials. This streamlines the entire process, making it easier and quicker to collect and organize materials afterward.
Difficult to reuse
Reuse is difficult, and separate installation is
required for each section.
Easy reusability with heavy equipment
It can be transported using heavy equipment such as forklift for reuse, enabling rapid installation in other non-similar sections.