
Customer Support

  • When comparing only material costs, the cost of our MS Solution is higher. However, if filler supports are used to dismantle early and reuse materials exclusively (at least 2-3 times), the cost becomes equivalent to that of conventional solutions. The MS Solution offers cost reduction benefits for safety (e.g., horizontal safety platform installation, excluding safety nets), and since it requires fewer materials, there are almost no follow-up tasks for safety inspections after installation. The fast construction method provides the advantage of reduced construction time (e.g., installation for 6 units of approximately 277 m² (2,990 ft²) per unit, including core construction, takes about 5-6 days). Upon dismantling, simultaneous cleanup and material retrieval are possible, enabling rapid progress for follow-up work.

  • We have obtained safety certifications for MS Support and MS safety platforms and possess test results for the materials and material combinations currently in use at our company. These documents can be requested through our sales team or by contacting us via email. Structural calculations are prepared and submitted after considering the conditions of the site.

  • MS공법 시공은 부재의 종류가 단순하고 시공이 어렵지 않아 간단한 교육 진행으로 현장 인력으로 시공이 가능합니다. 자재 납품 시, 당사의 슈퍼바이저가 방문하여 작업자들에게 부재 조립 방법, 시공 방법 등에 대한 교육을 별도로 진행합니다. 슈퍼바이저는 주기적으로 현장을 방문하여 현장에서 MS공법외에도 다른 Solution 시공에 어려움이 없도록 서포트 합니다.

  • In the case of system scaffolding, horizontal materials must be installed at regular intervals, requiring workers to walk on pipe-shaped horizontal materials to carry out work, which increases the risk of falls. Even if safety platforms are installed, they are often installed only in the work area, which also raises the risk of safety accidents. In the case of Daeyee Engineering's MS construction method, the MS safety platform is installed, eliminating the risk of falls. When performing work at higher levels, the MS safety platform is fully installed, significantly reducing the risk of safety accidents. Additionally, horizontal safety railings can be installed in two tiers (600mm and 1200mm from the base) as specified in construction site regulations, ensuring safety during wall and high-altitude work.

  • When workers need to climb onto the MS safety platform to connect vertical materials and install horizontal safety railings, there are three methods available to ensure smooth ascent. For more detailed information, please refer to the MS Construction Solution.

  • The distance between the wall and the MS Support is constructed to match the average arm's length, ensuring worker convenience. Horizontal safety railings are installed between the wall and the MS Support, eliminating the risk of worker falls.

  • Table Formwork is highly efficient for projects with large slab and beam areas. It can be seamlessly applied to both horizontal and vertical configurations, even on smaller sites, offering multiple reusability and ensuring efficient construction.